Stairway to Heaven or Highway to Hell?


Shortcut is easy and always the favourite. But, we should think of others when we do take it. Do we actually occupy others’ space and respect others’ right? Just because we want to speed up our bike and get on the campus faster, it doesn’t mean we can let others in danger by cycling up on pedestrian.

Just because you want to be rich, it doesn’t mean you have to be misconduct and abusing people’s rights. Getting faster result by wrongdoings isn’t necessarily the best.

The pain is real when we try to climb up the stairs of, let’s say, more-than-two floored building. It’s taking up a longer time. The aching in your things and calves intensifies as you climb up one stair. But, isn’t the feeling of getting there high-up on top of the rooftop, let’s say, worth the ache in your thighs?

Don’t be afraid of struggling because you never know what’s on the top of the building until you get there yourself and see what they have for you.

So, stairway to heaven or highway to hell? It’s highway to heaven, of course.



3 thoughts on “Stairway to Heaven or Highway to Hell?

  1. Pingback: NaPoWriMo – Day 30 – “The Ending Changes Everything” by David Ellis | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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